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简介1.谁帮我翻译一下这段外文文献啊一共两篇 ,希望对楼主有用什么是财务风险财务风险是企业在财务管理过程中必须面对的一个现实问题,财务风险是客观存在的,企业管理者对财务风险只有采取有效措施来降低风险,而不可能完全消除风险。文章通过对企业财务风险类型分析,从中找出不同财务风险产生的具体原因,并试图探索出解决各类财务风险的有效方法。当今世界上因财务风险而倒闭破产的公司,甚至是特大公司也不为少见,如2002



一共两篇 ,希望对楼主有用







































The Infrared Technology as the humanity knew that the nature, the exploration natural one kind of new modern tool, has been applied generally by various countries in the biology, the medicine, the geoscience and so on scientific field as well as the military reconnaissance aspect. But is very complex as a result of the goal infrared radiation, the factor are many, the infrared hot image's clarity is inferior to the visible image far, but people in use infrared hot chart analysis question time, hoped frequently simultaneously sees the visible light information and the infrared information. As the computer vision domain and an image understanding's important technology, the image fusion simultaneously observed the infrared hot information and the visible light information for the people have provided an effective method. This article research mainly take the infrared imagery and the visible light image as the information processing goal, through will carry on the contrastive analysis to each image fusion processing method, will summarize an effect good method, will then use with the matlab procedure to realize these methods and to carry on the comparison again to the fusion effect. this article first introduced the image fusion engineering research background and the domestic and foreign research tendency. Then introduced the image fusion's basic concept, the level, have made the comparison to each level's fusion. Then introduced the image fusion's Pyramid algorithm, and has carried on the analysis, the comparison to these algorithms, finally the matlab procedure has realized these methods. as a result of the wavelet transformation in the information analysis and the information processing domain's good performance, this article used the great length to introduce that the wavelet the knowledge, realized the image fusion with the fusion effect good small wave packet's method, through used the objective indicator the appraisal to prove based on the small wave packet's fusion was one very good fusion method. key word: Image fusion, wavelet transformation Pyramid algorithm, multi-resolution analysis, fusion rule, fusion appraisal




1、国家政策的变化带来的融资风险。一般而言,由于中小企业生产经营不稳定。一国经济或金融政策的变化,都有可能对中小企业生产经营、市场环境和融资形式产生一定的影响。从2007 年开始,我国加大了对宏观经济的调控力度,央行第四次提高存款准备金率,尤其是实行差额准备金制度使直接面向中小企业服务的中小商业银行信贷收紧,中小企业的资金供给首先受阻,融资风险徒增不少,中小企业也因无法得到急需资金而被迫停产或收缩经营规模。2、银行融资渠道不流畅造成的融资风险。企业资金来源无非是自有资金和对外融资两种方式。在各种融资方式中,银行信贷又是重要的资金来源,但是银行在国家金融政策以及自身体制不健全等情况的影响下,普遍对中小企业贷款积极性不高,使其贷款难度加大,增加了企业的财务风险。


1 the meaning of financial risk

Ye at "small and medium-sized financial risk assessment and control of research" that the financial risk is the possibility of corporate insolvency and shareholders, the proceeds of uncertainty, it is difficult because of enterprise funds, to adopt a different mode of financing brought about by risk.

Starting from the analysis of financial risk on its meaning, characteristics and types of content; at this based on the causes of the financial risk to conduct in-depth analysis and detailed research, analysis concludes that the financial risks arising from internal factors and external aspects; in turn, establish a risk awareness, the establishment of an effective risk prevention mechanism; set up and improve the financial management system to meet the financial management of environmental change; set up the financial risk early warning mechanism, strengthen the financial crisis management; improve the scientific level of financial decision-making to prevent due to poor decisions arising from the financial risk; through internal systems to prevent the establishment of binding mechanisms to control and guard against financial risk in five areas of financial risk prevention measures as well as self-insurance, diversification of risk control, risk transfer, risk averse, risk reducing the five techniques. Only controlled enterprises to guard against and defuse financial risks, in order to ensure that enterprises in the fierce competition in the market in an invincible position.

The causes of the financial risks

(A) external causes

1, the national policy changes brought about by the financing risk. Generally speaking, small and medium-sized production and operation because of instability. A country's economy or monetary policy changes, there may be small and medium-sized production and management, market conditions and financing forms have a certain impact. Beginning in 2007, our country has increased the intensity of macroeconomic regulation and control, the central bank to raise the fourth time the deposit reserve ratio, in particular, are ready to implement the difference between a direct deposit system to make small and medium-sized service-oriented small and medium-sized commercial banks to tighten credit, SMEs First of all, the capital supply disruption, the risk of inviting a lot of financing, SMEs also in urgent need of funds can not be forced to stop production or the scale of downsizing. 2, bank financing channels for non-financial risks caused by fluid. Corporate sources of funds are nothing more than its own funds and external financing in two ways. In various modes of financing, the bank credit is also an important source of funds, but banks in the country's financial policies as well as their own sound system is not under the influence of such circumstances, the general enthusiasm for SME lending is not high, their loans more difficult to increase the the enterprise's financial risk.

(B) internal factors one, blind expansion of investment scale. There is a considerable number of conditions are not ripe for the SMEs in the circumstances, only the experience of one-sided pursuit of companies to determine the expansion of the extension, ignore the company's content and core competitiveness, resulting in a major capital investment wasted. 2, the investment decision-making errors. For business, the correct selection of industries are the starting point for the survival and development strategy. However, some industrial enterprises in the selection process, the often overlooked "industry is a dynamic selection process" concept, should not a keen grasp of industry trends and direction of evolution. 3, improper selection of investment partners. Enterprises to make investment decisions, we must give full consideration to qualified partners, reputation, and should have to bear the corresponding risks. 4, less than honest. Lack of SME credit is a common situation. Therefore, small and medium-sized banks to provide loans or investments to small and medium-sized people had to step up investment on human resources in order to improve the quality of information collection and analysis. This respect has increased the investment bank or person lending and investment costs. On the other hand also give small and medium enterprises financing difficult. Ability to finance capital, to finance the number of funds, the financing of SMEs exist great uncertainties.



Management of Account Receivable

receivable is one of a series of accounting transactions dealing with the billing of customers who owe money to a person, company or organization for goods and services that have been provided to the customer. In most business entities this is typically done by generating an invoice and mailing or electronically delivering it to the customer, who in turn must pay it within an established timeframe called credit or payment terms.

An example of a common payment term is Net30, meaning payment is due in the amount of the invoice 30 days from the date of invoice. Other common payment terms include Net45 & Net60 but could in reality be for any time period agreed upon by the vendor and client.

While booking a receivable is accomplished by a simple accounting transaction, the process of maintaining and collecting payments on the accounts receivable subsidiary account balances can be a full time proposition. Depending on the industry in practice, accounts receivable payments can be received up to 10 - 15 days after the due date has been reached. These types of payment practices are sometimes developed by industry standards, corporate policy, or because of the financial condition of the client.

On a company's balance sheet, accounts receivable is the amount that customers owe to that company. Sometimes called trade receivables, they are classified as current assets. To record a journal entry for a sale on account, one must debit a receivable and credit a revenue account. When the customer pays off their accounts, one debits cash and credits the receivable in the journal entry. The ending balance on the trial balance sheet for accounts receivable is always debit.

Business organizations which have become too large to perform such tasks by hand (or small ones that could but prefer not to do them by hand) will generally use accounting software on a computer to perform this task.

Associated accounting issues include recognizing accounts receivable, valuing accounts receivable, and disposing of accounts receivable.

Accounts receivable departments use the sales ledger.

Other types of accounting transactions include accounts payable, payroll, and trial balance.

Since not all customer debts will be collected, businesses typically record an allowance for bad debts which is subtracted from total accounts receivable. When accounts receivable are not paid, some companies turn them over to third party collection agencies or collection attorneys who will attempt to recover the debt via negotiating payment plans, settlement offers or legal action. Outstanding advances are part of accounts receivables : If a company gets an order from its customers with advance agreed in payment terms. Since no billing is being done to claim the advances several times this area of collectible is not reflected in Accounts Receivables. Ideally, since advance payment is mutually agreed term, it is the responsibility of the accounts department to take out periodically the statement showing advance collectible and should be provided to sales & marketing for collection of advances. The payment of accounts receivable can be protected either by a letter of credit or by Trade Credit Insurance.

Companies can use their accounts receivable as collateral when obtaining a loan (Asset-based lending) or sell them through Factoring (finance). Pools or portfolios of accounts receivable can be sold in the capital markets through a Securitization.

[edit] Bookkeeping for Accounts Receivable

Companies have two methods available to them for measuring the net value of account receivables, which is computed by subtracting the balance of an allowance account from the accounts receivable account. The first method is the allowance method, which establishes a contra asset account, allowance for doubtful accounts, or more simply, allowance, as the offset to accounts receivable. Allowance is a contra asset that offsets the accounts receivable account to derive the net accounts receivable depicted in the balance sheet. The amount of the allowance can be computed in two ways; through the analysis based on sales method and analysis based on accounts receivable method. The reason a contra asset receivable account is necessary is to adhere to the matching principle of accounting, which mandates that accrual basis companies match all revenues and expenses with the period in which expense, and crediting the allowance contra asset account. Once it has been deemed that a particular account is uncollectible, it would be necessary to take the account off a company's books by debiting allowance for doubtful accounts and crediting the associated accounts receivable account.

The second method, known as the direct write off method, is simpler than the allowance method in that allows for one simple entry to reduce accounts receivable to its net realizable value. The entry would consist of debiting an uncollectible expense account and crediting the respective account receivable.

For tax reporting purposes, the direct write-off method must be used; however, for financial reporting purposes, it is necessary to use the allowance method because it is a period's revenue with associated expenses-a fundamental concept of accounting known as the matching principle.

应收帐款(Accounts receivable,又为应收账款)於会计原理上,专指因出售商品或劳务,进而对顾客所发生的债权,且该债权且尚未接受任何形式的书面承诺。


Factoring is a word often misused synonymously with accounts receivable financing. Factoring is a financial transaction whereby a business sells its accounts receivable (i.e., invoices) at a discount. Factoring differs from a bank loan in three main ways. First, the emphasis is on the value of the receivables, not the firm’s credit worthiness. Secondly, factoring is not a loan – it is the purchase of an asset (the receivable). Finally, a bank loan involves two parties whereas factoring involves three.

OBS: In Europe the term Factoring typically mean accounts receivable financing. Here the correct word for this article is: American factoring.

The three parties directly involved are: the seller, debtor, and the factor. The seller is owed money (usually for work performed or goods sold) by the second party, the debtor. The seller then sells one or more of its invoices at a discount to the third party, the specialized financial organization (aka the factor) to obtain cash. The debtor then directly pays the factor the full value of the invoice.


A company sells its invoices, even at a discount to their face value, when it calculates that it will be better off using the proceeds to bolster its own growth than it would be by effectively functioning as its "customer's bank." In other words, it figures that the return on the proceeds will exceed the income on the receivables.

Differences from bank loans

Factors make funds available, even when banks would not do so, because factors focus first on the credit worthiness of the debtor, the party who is obligated to pay the invoices for goods or services delivered by the seller. In contrast, the fundamental emphasis in a bank lending relationship is on the creditworthiness of the small firm, not that of its customers. While bank lending offers funds to small companies at a lower cost than factoring, the key terms and conditions under which the small firm must operate differ significantly. Bank relationships provide a more limited availability of funds and none of the bundle of services that factors offer.

From a combined cost and availability of funds and services perspective, factoring creates wealth for some but not all small businesses. For small businesses, their choice is slowing their growth or the use of external funds beyond the banks. In choosing to use external funds beyond the banks the rapidly growing firm’s choice is between seeking angel investors (i.e., equity) or the lower cost of selling invoices to finance their growth.The latter is also easier to access and can be obtained in a matter of a week or two, versus the six months plus that securing funds from angel investment typically takes. Factoring is also used as bridge financing while the firm pursues angel investors and in conjunction with angel financing to provide a lower average cost of funds than would equity financing alone. Firms can also combine the three types of financing, angel/venture, factoring and bank line of credit to further reduce their total cost of funds. In this they can emulate larger firms.

As with any technique, factoring solves some problems but not all. Businesses with a small spread between the revenue from a sale and the cost of a sale, should limit their use of factoring to sales above their breakeven sales level where the revenue less the direct cost of the sale plus the cost of factoring is positive.

While factoring is an attractive alternative to raising equity for small innovative fast-growing firms, the same financial technique can be used to turn around a fundamentally good business whose management has encountered a perfect storm or made significant business mistakes which have made it impossible for the firm to work within the constraints of a bank line’s credit terms and conditions(i.e, covenants). The value of using factoring for this purpose is that it provides management time to implement the changes required to turn the business around. The firm is paying to have the option of a future the owners control. The association of factoring with troubled situations accounts for the half truth of it being labeled 'last resort' financing. However, use of the technique when there is only a modest spread between the revenue from a sale and its cost is not advisable for turnarounds. Nor are turnarounds usually able to recreate wealth for the owners in this situation.


Abstract: Account receivable is the fund that should be received from the purchasing or labor hiring entity for an enterprise’s sale of its commodities or products as well as its providing of labor service. Under the circumstances of market economy, using its credit standing to exert the labor benefaction is an unavoidable business behavior, which may be treated as a major method for enterprises to enlarge its business and raise its market share. However, by the influences of marketplace economic system and project management as well as engineering construction, the Account receivable increases rapidly year by year, so as to make the difficulties in enterprise’s capital turnover. Those hard situations even made the employees can’t get their full pay of the salary. By analysis of the cause and the advantages and disadvantages of it, this article introduced some way of how to minimize the Account receivable.

关键词key words:应收账款Account receivable;工程施工Engineering construction;合同管理The management of contracts

摘 要:应收账款是企业因销售商品、产品、提供劳务等,应向购货单位或劳务单位收取的款项。在市场经济条件下利用自身的商业信用,施舍劳务是不可避免的商业行为,通过先施舍劳务可使企业更多地承揽业务、扩大市场份额,是企业提高市场占有率的必要手段。但是近年来由于市场经济体制及工程管理和工程施工过程中的种种原因,造成应收账款迅速膨胀,逐年增加,致使企业资金周转困难,甚至连工资都难以正常发放。本文分析了应收账款形成的原因及利弊,提出了如何减少应收账款的途径。









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